We at the G Team are dedicated to helping young people recieve their education on Personal Development so they can live their life to the fullest!

Approximately 49% of students lack the skills that employers desperately require as the current systems in place are not sufficient.

We want to prepare young people for their future life by teaching them skills such as time-management, goal setting and dealing with adversity to give them the freedom that they deserve.

" The culture of the G team instills a sense of self belief and motivation for each individual and is a great way to learn personal development and to meet other like minded people."

- Abbey Brooke

Outside of Video Courses The G Team are also providing value through...


With an average rating of 9/10 student satisfaction, we're delivering personal development talks to schools, colleges and university students.

Weekly Podcast

Join us with engaging conversation with industry experts that allow us to open up a productive dialogue about personal development.

Our Community

We're helping young people connect with other forward thinking individuals and work on their goals together.

Meet the Founder, Gurupma

Gurupma is a student at Loughborough University who is dedicating all of his free time to changing the education system.

While working on his personal development, Gurupma quickly realised that there are so many critical skills required for success that he had to develop for himself.

Personal Development is not widely taught within schools and because of this many people are looking for jobs without understand how they can effectively improve themselves.

Gurupma wants to change this, and with the support of his dedicated and passionate team, they're giving students the educational experiences that they desperately need.